Tuesday, November 28, 2006


[Guild Wars Article] State of the Game—November 27, 2006

Control and Strategy Tips

Keep in mind that orders issued to all your Heroes at once do not override orders issued separately to each Hero, so if you want your Heroes to all gather in one place, you must first cancel any orders they already have before issuing the party-wide command. If you issue a party command and then cancel individual orders, the single Heroes switch to the party command.

The most common tactical mistake I see players make in Hero Battles is to keep their entire group together. If you do this, you must have excellent snares or speed boosts for your group, or your opponent will send you on a wild goose chase for one of his characters while he captures every shrine on the map with the other three. It is especially important to split up at the start of the game.

I personally like to send one Hero to each of the smaller shrines, while I and one Hero head to one of the more important shrines (usually the one my opponent commits the least units to). If my opponent doesn't split, he may gain one point of morale or a mercenary more than me, but when I decide to face him 4v4, I have the advantage of at least two bonus shrines.

On the Bombardment map, the tactics are a little different because the Siege Cannon Shrine is so exceptionally powerful. The two smaller shrines are proportionally much less important on this map; it usually becomes a game of trying to control the Siege Cannon Shrine at the same time as the Morale Shrine. Try to capture the Morale Shrine and then intercept your opponent as he moves from the Siege Cannon Shrine toward your Morale Shrine. The longer you can delay him, the better. If he leaves the Siege Cannon unguarded, send one unit to capture it while the rest of your squad hampers capture of the Morale Shrine.

HvH is a very build-centric play style; it rewards good skill choices more than the Arenas do. Chances are you will run into all sorts of builds, both balanced and trick builds, and it is impossible to prepare for every trick out there. Someone is bound to have a build that counters you, at which point you must try to outmaneuver that opponent. The most common thing for an enemy to do once he realizes he can beat you 4v4 is to camp the Morale Shrine. To counter this, first try to capture all of the remaining shrines on the map and see if you can take him on with the advantage of the bonuses they confer.

If that fails, attempt to bait your opponent away from the Morale Shrine by splitting your forces. Often, opponents will be tempted to try an easy kill on a separated character, and chase it. Once you you get your foe chasing one of your characters, have the rest of your forces capture the Morale Shrine while your separated character runs laps. Be sure to bring that character back quickly if the enemy stops giving chase. If this happens, you want to engage in 4v4 away from the Morale Shrine, and play defensively so you can get the most points possible out of the Morale Shrine.

Read the original article here

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