Friday, December 08, 2006


[Guild Wars Article] The SCRIBE - Chapter 1 -December 7, 2006

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Domain of Anguish Lives Up to Its Name

The Domain of Anguish has been accessible to select adventurers for nearly a week now, and most who have paid the forsaken locale a visit can attest to the sheer ferocity and destructive powers of the Domain's protectors. While a rare few have indeed fought their way to the inner Guild Wars regions of the Domain of Anguish, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't benefit from a few tips to help in their struggle about game Guild Wars. I have spoken with my most trusted and wisest confidants, and their information should prove helpful to anyone caught up in this epic Guild Wars struggle. This week, I will reveal some overall strategies my informants believe will be useful throughout the Domain of Anguish for our Guild Wars. Then, in following dispatches, I shall provide more focused tips for specific locations within the Domain. Many of these tips should also prove useful elsewhere, but within the Domain of Anguish they are literally essential to survival.

As most veterans know, any victorious venture into a foreboding locale requires precise planning. Be sure your party of fearless adventurers is well balanced, or your journey will end faster than it began. Strategies utilizing quick, overwhelming damage—or "spike damage" as it is often referred to—seem much more effective than strategies that accumulate damage over a longer period time. If you plan to use this spike strategy, you must coordinate with your party members so everyone attacks the same foe. On that note, it is also important to distinguish whether the leader's selected target is indeed the most important assailant to slay. Given my chosen profession, it pains me to say that in the Domain of Anguish the old battle adage advising "kill the Monk first" is even more essential than in other areas.

You may also need to think about stealth during your excursion into the Domain of Anguish for game Guild Wars. Reports suggest that many patrols wander the Guild Wars Domain, grouped into individual parties much like your own. Most of these groups are generally well balanced between offense and defense and, as I noted above, it is essential to attack their members in the proper order. These groups often pack together—perhaps as ordered by their master—so hiding out of sight from these foes until they move apart is essential to your success. Picking off lone groups of enemies away from their reinforcements will allow you to defeat the forces of evil one group at a time, rather than facing an entire army at once.

Next, my informants warned against the use of area of effect attacks—those skills and spells that injure but do not kill large groups of adversaries in a location. It seems these area attacks are, for the most part, more hazardous to your party than useful. The enemies within the Domain of Anguish become enraged when significantly injured, greatly increasing their strength and ferocity. It is much more effective to use the spike damage strategy outlined above, as it will all but ensure you will have to deal with only one enraged beast at a time. That is not to suggest the other beasts will be tame, of course. But by concentrating your firepower, you can eliminate one enraged foe at a time, so your party will actually take less damage in the long run.

The last tip given to me by my esteemed advisors is this: Do not feel obligated to fight to the last man! If your party is in certain peril, it is both honorable and sane to withdraw from combat to regroup and reorganize. Don't look at it as fleeing, but rather, as a tactical withdrawal. In some cases, you may find your strategy was not very effective, which may compel you to rethink it altogether. Pay attention to the skills and spells your foes use, and use this knowledge to your advantage.

A wise man once said that knowing is half the battle, so you may even want to view your first few forays into the Domain of Anguish as reconnaissance missions, and use that information for later, deeper insertions. Of course, the sharing of knowledge is an old and venerated tradition as well, so you may want to share what you learn with others who have entered this dreaded location, and perhaps even gain some insight from them as well. We are all in this struggle together, so be sure to communicate what you have seen work well, and even what you have seen fail miserably within this aptly-named realm.

Next week, I shall follow up with specific strategies for the Foundry of Failed Creations and the Stygian Veil. Be sure to watch for next week's missive for valuable information on how to survive in these forsaken lands.

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