Thursday, December 14, 2006
[Guild Wars Article] The SCRIBE - Chapter 1 -December 14, 2006
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Traversing the Domain of Anguish: The Foundry of Failed Creations and the Stygian Veil
As an addendum to the advice I shared in last week's missive concerning survival in the Domain of Anguish, I wish to share with you a few more specific strategies for prevailing in the Foundry of Failed Creations and the Stygian Veil. The overall strategies I shared last week still hold true. I simply wish to elaborate on some and add others that hold true in these two treacherous locales.
In the Foundry of Failed Creations, your party of Guild Wars adventurers will face enemies with an all-too-familiar past. It is here that the great Titans were created by demonic forces within the Domain of Anguish. Were it not for this foundry, the Charr never would have attacked the human kingdoms of Tyria. Ascalon's fields would not have been scorched and destroyed by the Searing. Orr, the legendary home of the Five Gods, would have never sunk into the sea. Indeed, the Flame Seeker Prophecies could never have came to pass were it not for the twisted minds that created the horrific and sadistic false gods known as the Titans.
Walking into the birthplace of foes that have made life in Tyria a constant struggle is a truly humbling and yet eknraging experience. However, do not give in to your desire for Guild Wars gold to carelessly exact revenge, or you very well could become be the next victim in their catastrophic wake of carnage and destruction. Use your past experiences with these foes to your advantage, for what you learned in the past can and will save you now.
The Titans' life and power revolves around fire. Anyone who has seen the charred remains of post-searing Ascalon will have that memory burned into their memories. Using that knowledge, it should be obvious that spells and skills that protect against fire will greatly enhance your chances against the hulking Titans. Also, as any Pyromancer can tell you, fire magic gains much of its power from its ability to burn large areas with a single spell. So, once you engage a Titan for Guild Wars gold, your party should spread out to avoid these area-wide effects. Staying in a tight group puts your entire party at risk, which in turn can overwhelm the healing efforts of your Monks.
Speaking of my holy comrades, you would be well advised to take a Monk specializing in Protection Prayers into the Foundry. The sheer damage output of the Titans in Guild Wars is difficult to repel with Healing Prayers alone. However, a combination of Protection skills to minimize and reduce damage and Healing skills to counteract the damage that makes it past the Protection skills, should make these encounters more survivable. Combine that with skills that diminish the effects of fire damage and a sharp wit to avoid area-of-effect damage, and your party should find the task easier to undertake. Just remember to hold with you the vision of the once-lush lands of Ascalon, and thoughts of the sacred home of the Five Gods resting at the bottom of the sea as you crush these abominations. Grenth demands they be dealt swift and cruel justice for their lives of blasphemous destruction.
Stygian Veil in guild wars contains large armies of stygian and demonic creatures. Generally, these groups are separated from one another, but at times you will find them co-mingled into a massive force. The first, and perhaps most useful, piece of advice I have to share is that many of the stygian creatures lack ranged skills and attacks, making them highly susceptible to snare skills, or skills that slow or Cripple foes. Ward Against Foes and Deep Freeze can slow large groups, allowing casters and ranged fighters to employ attack and withdraw tactics known as kiting. The stygian creatures will either be forced to chase the casters in vain or divert their attacks to more stationary targets—such as Warriors and Dervishes—greatly limiting their ability to wipe out the members of your party wearing lighter armor, such as Guild Wars Monks or GuildWars Elementalists.
If you do face a group of both demons and stygian creatures, you would be wise to slay the demons first. Their slowing and snaring abilities can counteract the kiting strategy mentioned above. Once you have slain the demons in an area, you should then be free to use your own snaring techniques to defeat the remaining stygian creatures. However, beware that some stygian creatures have reportedly been spotted using ranged attacks of their own.
Finally, torment claws are a serious concern for parties—more so than in the other areas of the Domain of Anguish. Take your time progressing through this realm, as these torment claws break through the ground without warning, potentially killing members of your party before you know what hit. Even if there are no foes in sight, in the Stygian Veil, danger ever lurks below you, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Take this advice to heart before making your way into these treacherous lands. I will share advice for traversing the City of Torc'Qua and Ravenheart Gloom in next week's missive, and I suggest, as always, you share tips with your fellow adventurers to increase everyone's chances in these dangerous locales. May the gods fill you with the strength you will need to survive the challenges ahead.